The Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Inc.
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
Live Webinar
Learn to Identify and Remove Significant Health-Threatening Energetic Blocks
Professor Neil R. Gumenick, M.Ac. (UK), L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
CA CEU provider #231
This course will cover how to detect and remove significant health-threatening energetic blocks that practitioners encounter in practice. Some are lethal if not removed. Any block will hinder or prevent patients from getting well. These include the energetic blocks of Possession, Aggressive Energy, Husband/Wife Imbalance, Exit and Entry Blocks, Centering of the Umbilical Pulse, and the Akabane Imbalance.
Upcoming Live Webinar
Tuesday August 23, 2022
6:00PM - 9:00PM (PDT)
Sponsored and hosted by The Integrative Healing Institute
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